Now accepting Autumn Birthday/Guest lists!
Fill out the form below to apply:

Lists receive free or discounted entry, complimentary drinks, and get to skip the line!


T&C's Guests receive free, discounted, and/or priority entry before their listed arrival time.
Arrival after this time will result in the list expiring and you'll be asked to wait in the GA line. We recommend arrival 30 minutes prior to your expiry time to ensure express entry.
*Free entry isn’t available for international events.

Submitting this form does not guarantee you a list. A list must be confirmed by Glamorama management ahead of time.

Lists are not set up when we are open.

Please be advised that all guest lists are subject to club capacity, ticketed events and RSA policy guidelines.
Glamorama Management reserve the right to refuse entry at their absolute discretion, even though a guest list has been submitted.